
Media centers

Media centers

Through a wide range of media-programs, including TV, Radio, Internet, the media center's collective goal is to encourage people, through an understandable and modern way, to read the Bible and to find their faith. All the programs presented are aimed at helping people to learn more about Jesus Christ and build up a real relationship with God.



The Adventist News Network provides news, pictures, and complement periodical publications, as well as material reproducing some aspects directly or indirectly related to the Adventist Church. All regional Press are committed to keeping members and the public informed of news in their area.

Publishing houses

Publishing houses

The publishing Ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to proclaim, through printed media, the gospel of hope to the whole world in this generation. For such reason, all publishing houses are aimed at uplifting and dignifying people through better living--physically, socially, and spiritually--thus preparing them for the world to come. The material produced provides encouragement and equips everyone to share the good news of Jesus and His second coming.



The official television network of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hope Channel, programs on holistic Christian living and focuses on faith, health, relationships, and community. Hope Channel began broadcasting a long time ago, thanks to the dedication and goodwill of volunteers passionate about transmitting the Christian values over the airwaves. Today, Hope Channel is a global network with channels that cover a significant part of the world, and almost all of the European countries. Programs on each channel are contextualized for local culture and are broadcast in many languages.



Adventist World Radio is the official mission radio arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. AWR uses AM/FM, shortwave, satellite, and web broadcasts to carry the gospel to people who are difficult to reach because of political restrictions on religion, cultural barriers to Christianity, and geographic barriers.